woman with hand out
woman with glasses
woman with hand bag covering half her face
woman wearing gold colored scart
woman wearing multicolored knit hat
woman in red dress
woman with large hat
woman with blonde braided hair
woman flipping hair with sunshine in the background
woman with short hair
woman smiling with glasses and dredlocks
woman with short hair wearing black scarf
woman with long red hair
woman with hand out
woman with glasses
woman with hand bag covering half her face
woman wearing gold colored scart
woman wearing multicolored knit hat
woman in red dress
woman with large hat
woman with blonde braided hair
woman flipping hair with sunshine in the background
woman with short hair

Welcome to Beauty Salon

We would love to help your hair look its best! Let us know which treatments you are interested in, and we can get started!

hair model with black hair hair model hair model hair model hair model hair model\ hair model hair model
insided beauty salon
woman with red shirt


I have been a client of Jaycell's at Beauty Salon for 3 years and not only do I love my facials but Jaycell is always so professional and incredibly knowledgeable. She has gently helped me to transition to using Spa Ceuticals.

woman in tan jacket


I am so thankful my friend recommended Beauty Salon to me. My hair was in the worst state it has ever been and I was absolutely beside myself. After one visit to Time Out, I was absolutely SHOCKED by the difference when I walked out the door.

woman in blue shirt


The knowledge of the team at Beauty Salon is unlike anything I have experienced when visiting a beautician. I love their total approach to healing the hair, with a focus on beauty "from the inside out".

woman wearing white shirt


I am always so grateful to Josey for her friendly and relaxed manner and how nothing is ever too much for her. Josey has supported my teenage son with his facial skin challenges.

woman wearing yellow shirt


There are manicures and then there are manicures. Libby's magic hands far surpass any others and her care and attention to detail in everything she does really shines through.